Thursday 7 November 2013

Miyo, nailed it!

I continue to stumbling upon a cool nail polishes. This time I found another UK brand called MIYO.

I purchase metalic no.35. The funny thing was the shade part. In store it looked like blue-violet color, but when I applied first coat it looked very much purple and I was like whaaaaat, how? Well, after the second coating shade changed and nails were dark blue. Unnoticeable color yet it adds your style!

What else? It's easy to apply and remove, while texture is very liquid. You probably won't see it in pictures but it also has a shiny look. Good news is that it only costs 2€ for 8 ml but I'm already having my doubts about it's resistance...


  1. Jaz imam tudi ta odtenek! Fajn so ti Miyo, cena je v Nami še manj kot 2€, 1,89 če se prav spomnim... Meni je zdržal na nohtih dokler ga nisem odstranila (ampak očitno nimam problemov s skoraj nobenim lakom).

  2. @Colorful Harmony - Ja ja, jaz sem malo zaokrožila na 2€, drugače sem jih tudi v Nami našla :) Pa zelo lepo se odstrani, se strinjam.
