My next health tip for you is to wear sunscreen! Not only one or two weeks when you go on holidays (or only in summertime) but every single day!
I know most people love the sun, spending time on the beach and just enjoy. Nothing wrong with that but be safe! As young people, oftentimes we think we are invincible and since we can’t see the cumulative damage of the sun, we don’t care. But we should!
Exposing to sun has many risks and you should protect your skin at all times.
Sunscreen blocks harmful ultra-violet rays, prevents sunburns, foils freckles and the unsightly brown or red patches on the skin, defends against wrinkles, etc.
It's funny how we're use to apply sunscreen only in summer time when in fact sun is out every season! Temperature are usually not that high but the sun is still the sun! And sun is shining not only at the seaside but also in cities and everywhere else!
The second problem. We often associate a glowing complexion with good health but skin color obtained from being in the sun actually accelerates the effects of aging and increases your risk for developing skin cancer. So while sun damage to the skin may not be apparent when you're young, it will definitely show later in life!
Regular use of a sunscreen protects the skin against this deadly disease and is one of the top reasons doctors recommend you always wear sunscreen, even on days when the sun is not at its brightest. I'm currently on mission to find the best face cream with SPF and sunscreen for myself!
- avoid direct sun exposure as much as possible
- wear sunglasses and hat!
Don't think you're silly because you're wearing sunscreen everyday! Make it a habit and wear sunscreen everyday! You can thank me after 20 years when your skin will still look young and healthy! ;)
Tole navado sem pa jaz prevzela kakšne dve leti nazaj..od takrat se konstantno mažem na najbolj izpostavljenih predelih..predvsem ker bi me drugače zelo hitro opeklo, ker imam ten sneguljčice :) večina se namaže le na morju ali pa še takrat ne, jaz se mažem tudi kadar grem po vsakodnevnih opravkih v mesto, oziroma, ko vem, da bom na vrtu oziroma na drugih sončnih predelih..prav tako pazim, da nisem po nepotrebnem na soncu..tako da ja - dober nasvet :)
ReplyDelete@Sanna - super, res pohvalno! Sama imam pa še vedno vzpone in padce kar se mazanja tiče. Imam bolj težavo, da še nisem našla tiste prave kreme... nočem da ima tisti tipični vonj po sončni kremi pa da ne pušča svalkov, pri nekaterih prav voham alkohol, tako da iščem kake malo bolj naravne z mineralnimi filtri pa ne predrage seveda. Res prav misija! :) Saj za pohajanje mi je vseeno, samo če si pa na delovnem mestu je pa mal zoprn mi un vonj po sončni kremi... Mi je pa glavno, da je obraz zaščiten ter roke, vrat in dekolte, ki so ponavadi najbolj izpostavljeni. Katere kreme ti uporabljaš? Imaš tudi kakšno kremo za obraz z SPF-om? Pa če ne ne grem iz hiše potem mi paše da nič ne dajem na kožo...
DeleteDrugače imam pa sama tako polt, ko se me lepo sonce prime in vsi kok imam dobro barvo. Ampak ja.. zgleda dobr sedaj, ni pa zdravo za kožo. Maja sem praktično rjava, če hočem ali nočem... samo nekaj sprehodov pa kako športanje (pa ne med ekstremnimi urami) in barva je tu... letos pa sploh... sem bila pa že januarja rjava zaradi Zelandije:)
Skratka za kak predlog kozmetike se priporočam ;)