Saturday 23 November 2013

Weekly health tip: do workout that YOU love!

We all know staying healthy and fit is important. Part of it is by regular workout, but where and how to start?

A lot of people make excuses and procrastinate with so many things in life. Don't be one of them and do something! You can do whatever your mind decides!

Start now!
It's not that big of a deal. Just start where you are with what you have! Put your sweatpants and sneakers on and go. Go for a walk, jump rope, do squats, play yourself some of the excellent Fitness Blender (click) videos or dance. Stop with the lame excuses and overcome your laziness.

Fact 1: do something YOU love!
Do workouts that you're fond of. Many people start with same workout because of their friend(s) or partners but they never really connect or enjoy these activities. Don't get me wrong. I encourage you to try new things but if you don't feel & enjoy them as much as your friend(s)/partner, there is nothing wrong with you. Some like intense cardio workouts better than running, etc. There is absolutly nothing wrong with that and you don't need to feel bad about it. On the other hand I think it's really important that you do something you love and enjoy. Workout should be fun and exciting, not an unpleasant obligation. Unfortunately some people just don't want to admit that this may not the sport for them and three months later... they don't do this workout anymore. How can you expect to do a thing you don't like and to still stay motivated? Sooner or later you'll feel obliged and unhappy and that will lead to quitt. Try new things but don't just stubbornly insist on it if you feel this is not for you. For example, I was never a zumba fan. Yes it's popular and trendy but it's just not for me.

Fact 2: you don't need fancy sportswear and accessories to begin!
Sadly a lot of people think you need to have Mizuno sneakers, Under Armour sports clothing and a Garmin watch before you start with running. Of course it's important that you feel good (and even stylish) in your sportswear but you don't need all of it right now. What happens is that people buy expensive brandy names but quit with the workout that they started only a month ago. Be smart about it and don't think that brand names will do the exercises for you! Once again, I'm not saying you shouldn't buy brands, I'm just saying that talking about your new Garmin watch won't make you (more) sporty.

Why should I even start?
Well because it's your life, your body and because you respect yourself. With regular workout that you love, you'll have more energy and feel more satisfied, there'll be less chance for illness, you'll feel empowered and confidenent. You'll not only feel better but you'll look better too.

Find workouts that you love and get your body moving! Don't forget you exercise for yourself and the reason why is because you want to be stronger and fitter!

1 comment:

  1. Točno tako kot si napisala in niti malo drugače. In tudi jaz obožujem Fitness Blender, čeprav mi pred 4 dnevi ni nekaj šlo videjev lepo predvajat, pa sem našla še en kanal... Ki je tak pač. Se morem odločit, kaj bom zdaj delala (:
