Monday, 25 April 2016

Monday inspiration: Rebecca-Louise

Another week to start something great right? Maybe a new workout routine?

In that case I recommend you to watch vidoes from Rebecca-Louise. She was my favorite instructor when I watched XHIT videos so I was super excited she started her own thing. I love she's excited for videos, helpful, loves to share and have this good energy when she talks and encourage you finish the workout.

Another thing I love is that the videos are around 10 minutes so you can do one or more, depends on the time you have.

Click HERE for her Youtube channel and give it a try! And of course - feel the burn! :)


  1. Hvala, ker si to delila z nami! Trenutno iščem novo vrsto vadbe, ki bi jo z navdušenjem izvajala, tako da bom poskusila kar njeno, mogoče mi bo všeč :)

    1. @Mojca - Ja upam, da še komu prav pride. Js sm rabila nekaj časa, da sem našla tiste videje, ki mi res odgovarjajo, ampak jih sedaj res z veseljem delam. Priporočam tudi Fitness Blender -

    2. Hvala, bom pogledala :)
