Wednesday, 2 April 2014

HIMYM Series Finale Recap

After nine seasons How I Met Your Mother Tv series has come to an end.

To be honest since season 6 (when Marshall's father dies) the show started really changing in my opinion. Topics became more serious and realistic. But they also start to drag, lost a spark, got a bit sloppy and there were a couple of times when I was thinking about stop watching the show. So in a way I'm happy it's over but sad because it was still nice to hang out with 'the gang'.

Before I start. This post contains spoilers.

Fans are mostly disappointed. At first I tought the ending wasn't that bad but after a while... I kind of understand them even though I don't hate the finale.

I definitely didn't expect happy ending but The Mother (Tracy McConnell) died! Seriously? We've beeen waiting so long to meet her and then it's like: 'It wasn't about the mother but the long journey, adventures and the lessons.' I get it but still... The show title was a fake-out yet it always came back to that and as a viewer I certainly don't want to wait 8 season to meet the mother, only see glimpses of her and in last episode find out she died. Not cool. On the other hand. If Ted hadn't ended up with Robin, that would have been a big disappointment. Because we knew Robin (and don't really know the mother) and chemistry between her and Ted was always at its core.

Even romantic Ted didn't get married in a French castle but he did charmed again with the blue French horn.

Robin and Barney divorced. Not surprised. I just don't believe people like Barney can change. And than he was all mushy when he became a father. Ha! That's a good one! Another B.S. indeed! Babygirl changed his lifestyle. Sorry, I'm not buying it (and hate that they want him to change). At first Barney asked: 'Can't you guys just accept me for who I am?' They do. We do. Why change that? And we don't even get to know who the mother is? If it would've been his ex stripper fiance Quinn I think people would be kind of ok with it. The thing I don't understand is WHY waste whole season countdown moths, days, hours untill Robin & Barney's weeding if it wasn't meant to be. I would much rather watch Ted and Tracy spending time together and how they built their lives.

Marshmallow and Lilypad. They were kind of on a sidetrack. Yeey for the third baby, finally leaving the apartment and 'judge fudge' (maybe even 'fudge supreme') but they could talk more about some Rome experience and how Lily was doing at her work?

Outcast Robin. What was the deal with that? The gang didn't see each other as much anyway but Robin situation was a bit extreme. We knew that the promise: ''We'll always be there for the big moments,'' was sadly wishful thinking. Ok, so Robin realized it should've been Ted all along. Btw. Kudos for Lily's emotional scene despite wearing a ridiculous white whale costume. Realistically friendship it's not the same that it was but that is not a bad thing. True. Oh, and Robin skyrocketing career all of a sudden. Slight chance that can happen (where was realistic view when it came to that)?

A few more toughts...

... almost cried
Ted and Lily and their E.T. goodbye;

... weird
Ted left Robin & Barney's weeding so soon. Because of the moving and needed to catch a train? Taxi maybe? And bass player also. Because band doesn't need a bass player for the whole event?

... cool
Infinity high five :)

Thank you!
So this is it! Despite finale was not quite satisfying and the criticism, we can all agree that HIMYM was overall a great tv experience. There are many of the elements that made HIMYM work for nine years (jokes, catch phrases, stories, attention to details). I'm sure it's been hard on the writers to came up with new stories and the cast was just a joy to watch! Every year there are plenty ensemble shows launched but to bring that magic on screen. It's harder than it seems. All HIMYM creators and the cast should be proud because HIMYM is now a TV classic! Thank you for the ride guys!


  1. Jaz sem bila tudi malo razočarana nad zadnjo epizodo, ker mi je bila preveč 'all over the place'. Sem pa sumila, da bosta Ted in Robin nazadnje skupaj, pa moja sestra je že sredi te sezone napovedala, da bo mami umrla. Edino to me je razjezilo, da je bil tak boom okrog te poroke, potem sta šla pa kr tko za brez veze Robin in Barney narazen. :D Sem pa kar vesela, da se je serija končala po eni strani, ker jim je res že zmanjkovalo idej in mi je bla že skor muka gledat tole zadnjo sezono...

  2. @Sandra - jap, se kar strinjave. me pa zanima kakšen je bil mišljen alternativni konec. objavili ga bodo mislim, da v sklopu, ko izide dvd zadnje sezone....
